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Fatal Injury Cases

Fatal Injury Cases


Duncan Lewis Personal Injury Solicitors for Fatal Injury Cases


No Win No Fee Claims for Fatal Injury Compensation


Duncan Lewis is one of the UK’s leading firms of personal injury and Legal Aid solicitors – and can advise on how to make a no win no fee claim for fatal injuries, if an employer or other party is liable.


Compensation Claims for Fatal Injury Cases


Under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976, the dependants of a loved one who has died in an accident caused by the negligence of an employer or other party can make a compensation claim. If a loved one is a victim of crime or terrorist activity, fatal injury claims can also be made.


Dependants who can claim compensation after a loved one has died as a result of someone else’s negligence include:

  • Children
  • Cohabiting partners (for at least two years)
  • Husbands/Wives (including divorced spouses/annulled marriages)
  • Parents/grandparents
  • Siblings
  • Stepchildren.

Fatal injury cases can be extremely traumatic for families who are grieving for their loved one – and having to think about finances at such a devastating time can be overwhelming.


To ensure your family’s financial security, Duncan Lewis offers a sensitive, sympathetic and effective claims service to families who have been bereaved as a result of an accident or injury to their loved one – including obtaining interim payments if appropriate.


Fatal injury claims can cover:

  • Accidents in public places
  • Accidents at work
  • Aircraft accidents
  • Criminal injury
  • Holiday accidents
  • Industrial accidents
  • Industrial disease
  • Medical negligence
  • Military accidents
  • Police fatal injuries
  • Road traffic accidents
  • Sports accidents
  • Terrorist incidents
  • Train accidents.

Parents who have tragically lost a child as a result of an accident can also claim compensation. If a child is fatally injured as a result of crime, a claim can be made to the Criminal injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).


How long do dependants have to claim in Fatal Injury Cases?


Claims for fatal injury compensation fall under the area of law known as personal injury.


Personal injury claimants usually have three years from the date of the fatal injury to make a claim for compensation.


In the case of criminal injury, claims must be made to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority within two years.


Because of the limitation period for personal injury claims, it is important to seek legal advice from Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors as soon as possible if you wish to make a compensation claim for fatal injury.


How much compensation can dependants claim in Fatal Injury Cases?


In fatal injury cases, a statutory sum of £11,800 is paid to the husband or wife of the loved one who has died – or to a partner who has co-habited for more than two years. This payment can also be made to parents who have lost a child.


The Fatal Injuries Act 1976 also enables dependants to claim compensation for pain and suffering as a result of bereavement, as well as payments for:

  • Childcare
  • Funeral costs
  • Financial support
  • Household expenses
  • Loss of earnings
  • Medical costs
  • Pension.

Compensation is estimated according to the support to a family and financial contribution to a household that has been lost.


Who pays Compensation in Fatal Injury Claims?


Fatal injury compensation is paid by the insurer of the party liable for the fatal injury, such as an employer’s insurance company.


It is also possible to make a claim for compensation in fatal injury cases from the Criminal injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).


Will I have to go to court to claim compensation?


Your Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitor will keep you fully informed at all stages of the case.


Some fatal injury claims are settled out-of-court – Duncan Lewis personal injury lawyers negotiate hard to get the best settlement for you.


But if a court hearing is necessary, Duncan Lewis instructs leading barristers who specialise in fatal injury cases, to make sure you have the best legal representation possible.


Why Duncan Lewis is the best solicitor for Fatal Injury Cases
  • Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors understand just how devastating losing a loved one is – we believe in putting you and your family first to obtain the best results for you
  • Duncan Lewis is one of the leading firms of Personal Injury and Legal Aid solicitors in the UK
  • Our initial advice on making a claim for fatal injury compensation is free
  • Duncan Lewis accepts claims for fatal injury compensation on a no win no fee basis, so you will not have to worry about legal fees
  • We will visit you at home following the death of a loved one, if you prefer
  • Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors will make sure you understand every stage of your compensation claim
  • We will handle negotiations for you, so you do not have to worry while you are coping with losing a loved one.

Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors have a successful track record in personal injury claims and fatal injury cases.


Contact Duncan Lewis for free advice on making a fatal injury compensation claim by calling 020 7923 4020.

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